Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sidelines and Shout Outs

2013 crept in before I could even say happy new year.  Actually, I feel that way with the entire year of 2012.  It was the most eventful uneventful year yet.  It was full a lot of first. A lot of pregnancy, an adventure or two, and a little baby.  2012 had a lot to be thankful for. Our entire family (both sides) graduated into parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles and anything of that sort.  I spent the summer on the sidelines while I watched everyone else ride rollercoasters, horses, and bikes. September was my glory month though. And instantly September turned into January and then all of the sudden my predictable newborn turned into a rumbling and bumbling baby. 

Since D(elivery)-day, our life has gone from late party nights to early morning feedings, from one suitcase to two, due to the bird and all her accessories. It’s gone from adult conversations to baby babble, from two love birds to a full.  

So to recap the unlimited love and appreciation from our friends and family, here’s a couple of shout-outs.

Grandma, for her ability to tap into and embrace my creativity and supply whatever I may need.

Momma, for answering her phone every time I call…which averages about three times a day.

Cal, for covering my ambulance shifts when I don’t consult my calendar…ever.

Sholly, for holding the bird so I can vacuum. 

Grandpa, for humoring my craft ideas and doing it ALL for me.

Mooder, for her dryer and excitement to see us when we show up at the backdoor with loads of laundry.

Dad and Jake, for accepting the constant “girl talk” of pregnancy, babies, and all that entails.

Poppa, for learning how to make baby sounds to go along with his growls.

Hillary and Andrea, for a life time of friendship and differences and combining all of our lifestyles into one big smorgasbord.

Sadie, for reassuring me runny noses don’t require ER trips and even though we’re moms doesn’t mean we can’t party like it’s high school.

And Brent, for letting me cuddle on your lap, filling my day with “I love you” texts, and making the best grilled cheese sandwiches.

2012 didn’t have any what if’s or how come’s.  I learned long ago to outgrow my pettiness and embrace the quote “it is what it is”.  

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