Here is a professional my rendition of my house layout.
First off, Brent took a week off to pack the old house. (Although, I absolutely loved having him home) Then, he got even sicker(er er er) than ever before, so we went into the Doctor for some blood tests and a miracle. That led to another week off work and one step closer to the unemployment line. After some not-what-we-had-in-mind blood test results, we played the waiting game. The blood tests came back with "elevated liver counts", so either a.I've married a madman or b. somehow, something, got messed up. I'll take the latter, which turned out to be the case. So, now after two more blood samples we still aren't sure what's going on, BUT we have a pretty good idea it's because of the umpteen weeks he's been on a constant dayquil/nyquil regimen. Amazing stuff that is, but apparently is messes with your liver. Who knew. Anyway! That doesn't even solve Brent's everlasting sickness of death issue. But good ol' Doc prescribed him some of the '"good stuff". Whatever that is, (I promise, he's a legitiment doctor) and 4 short days later, he's back in action. So here we are, moving, sick, random organs are failing, and we are two weeks out of a paycheck. Awesome. And then God interrupts his mani/pedi session, looks down and is like "Oh, hey, your bank account is low, you're stressed as all h-e-double-hockey-sticks, AND you're pretty tired of leaving each other every week. SO....I guess I'll give you more stability, amazing amazing friends and family, and a good paying job so you can be home, PS. you start on Monday...and GO!" With a little flip of the hand, God put life right back in order. When it rains, it pours...but when the flowers start to bloom, there ain't no stopping them. I'll just water them by myself from here on out, thankyouverymuch.
NEXT!! I'm still saving lives everyday...ha...haha...ha. Any by saving lives, I mean taking blood pressures and applying oxygen. I love working on the ambulance. It keeps me on my toes. It's funny how much that pager going off gets your blood pumping. L-O-V-E IT!
So while everything on the home-front is sliding back into place, here are some more superdooper fun updates:
My Pop (finally) retired (again)!! WHOOHOOO!! He has spent his entire life working for everything he (and everyone else around him) has, and he finally gets to enjoy it all! The party was on Saturday, and it was a complete success. My mom puts on the best parties around, and sure knows how to be the best hostess with the mostest. As for Pop, so far retirement as brought him unlimited naps, reading time with limited interruptions, and a colonoscopy.
Remember the cute pregnant lady in my pictures? Well, Nicole and Daylon welcomed their beautiful baby girl Sophia into the world. Everyone is happy and healthy and doing great!
I'm still waiting on Bob Vila's phone call. If anyone knows his direct number, I'm willing to negotiate a reward for your information.