Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wedding plans in the Spring weather!

      Well, we are 44 days away from the best day of my life. It seems so far away! We are so exited though!! The wedding is going to be at Park City Mountain Resort, involving the Alpine Slide and all!

As far as the plans go, the invitations are finally finished, and are being sent out soon! We are very pleased with them, they turned out so neat an original!!  We are getting the music selection done, the flowers ordered, decorations, and everything else is going according to plan.  Brent, as always, is such a help with everything and gives the best input on ideas. One of my best friends and amazing photographer Rachel did our engagement pictures, and they turned out perfect! Some more fun news, my other best friend Sadie, who lives in Washington is coming out 2 1/2 weeks before the wedding to be with me and help out. I cannot wait for her to get here and spend time with her!  

      We are staying busy with work and getting ready for spring. The weather is so unpredictable! One day we are ready to mow the lawn in shorts and t-shirts, the next we are shoveling our driveway in winter parkas. Let's just say, I am more than ready for Spring to get here!  At one point this Winter, the dogs decided to decorate the backyard with garbage, pillows, blankets, or any other fun thing they found in the garage.  We could never clean it because the snow kept layering on top of it and freezing it.  So, on the first good solid day we had, we worked outside and cleaned up the yards and got them ready for summer.  The backyard look so beautiful after raking up shredded pillows, trash, and the dead grass.  I planted some new flowers, but due to our lovely weekly season changes, they are dying rapidly (hopefully they will come back). We are at the beginning of a huge snow storm so yesterday we fertilized and spread grass seed, in hopes the snow melt will make it green green green!!!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will go better than my flowers.  We have been having fun with our lovely neighbors, Megan and Justin.They are such cute, fun newlyweds, who happen to have a lot in common with us!  

Other than the usual, we have just been in love, happy, and enjoying this part of our life! I can't believe how lucky I am to have Brent.  He makes life so fun and unbelievably happy! Hope everyone is doing well and getting excited for summer! I know we are!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Weston Clark

One down! One to go! Brent's brother Wes married his sweetheart Ji Yeon.  They were sealed in the LDS temple on April 16, 2010 and the reception was in Lyman on the 17th. They make such a beautiful, happy, multi-cultural couple!  It has been pretty stressful planning two weddings at once, but it was nice to concentrate on them, and make their day so special! 

Thursday night, we had the bachelor/bachlorette parties for them. Brent took the boys to my house and had a "boobie cake" which was a big hit, especially since every single guy was a return Missionary! They played drinking games with Monster energy drinks and lots of X-Box.  As for us girls, we played games talked girlie and wedding advice. The following morning, we all woke up, got ready, and were off to the Temple! Ashley and I waited outside while the ceremony was performed, then after we all took pictures and had a wonderful time.  Saturday was a lot of the same- waking up early, hair, makeup, decorating. pictures, the whole nine yards.  The reception was beautiful. Wes and Ji Yeon are leaving for Korea on the 20th and won't be back until January.   We wish them the best of luck in the life and marriage!   

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Wow, I feel like Easter Sunday was forever ago, but in reality it's only been a week! Brent and I have been super busy with wedding details- and hardly for our own wedding!  Brent's brother, Wes and his fiancée Ji-Yeon (from Korea) are getting married this Friday in the Salt Lake LDS Temple.  It's such an exciting time for everyone right now!  Both weddings are going to be so beautiful and fun. I can't wait!  Most importantly, a special thanks to my momma. She is absolutely amazing with this wedding! She has such cute ideas, and puts them into action.  Her creativity is amazing, and it will really show through on the big day.  I am so lucky to have her and my pop as my parents.  

Brent and I are taking a creative approach to a certain aspect in our wedding (to be revealed later) so, while we have been completing that we have take advantage of the different activities and having some fun.  We are a pretty active couple, and always seem to be up to something. We live right next to some beautiful sand dunes where we can rock climb.  We have tons of fun doing it, and this weekend we left the dogs at home and took Jake (Brent's youngest brother) along instead. 

"Liz! Where did you go?!" 
"I'm down here!!"

Mountaineer Elizabeth 

The Happy Couple

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday

Every child says they will never grow up to be like their own parent.  At each holiday, I am finding that I am becoming more and more like my mom, which is a good thing!  With the true meaning aside, the decorations, creativity, and planning to make the holiday fun and special. It makes me realize that even the simplest holidays aren't about getting, they are about giving.  As a kid, my mom had easter egg hunts, and baskets filled with treats; every holiday seemed like Christmas.  The house was cutely decorated, and we would always sing "Here Comes Petter Cotton Tail" together.  Recently Brent and I watched my old home movies.  A couple of them happened to be of Easter. Bear and I were probably 7 and 3.  In this one tape, Bear kept getting all the eggs that were out of my reach, and in my attempts to have every easter to myself, I would throw a fit.  One particular egg I was determined to get so I would scream over and over "Bay-ur! I want the lellow one!!!" It's funny now to look back on for all of us, since it has become a family joke! As I have grown up and been on my own, I have tried to make every holiday special for those close to me.  Easter is always fun to me no matter how old you get.  Last year I attempted to plan an extravagant Easter Egg hunt, but those participating were less than thrilled.  So all of this brings me to today, Easter of 2010. 

I woke up this morning, bright and early at 7:00 a.m to Brent's handsome beaming face. I had put out a homemade card and a present (Dallas Cowboys tie) the Easter Bunny left for him on the kitchen table, so I thought his enthusiasm was stemming from that.  But in reality, Brent tells me that the easter bunny came last night and hid 24 eggs all around the house. (I guess Peter Cottontail is doing favors for those who live where there is still 2 feet of snow on the ground in April.) Anyway, it was probably the sweetest thing he could have done for me. We share the enthusiasm for life in general and giving to others rather than receiving. The fact that he took the time, came over early, hid the eggs, and just made the day so special for me, means so so much.  But they again, he makes every day special. 

After the hunt, we dyed our eggs, needless to say, I got to dye a yellow easter egg all by myself. Then made Easter Bunny Pancakes for breakfast. Then played racket ball (our favorite hobby right now) and then took the boys for a nice long walk, came home, and as we speak, Brent is reading his book as I finish this. Life is Good.

 Happy Easter everyone. 

 And just like every other holiday, let's remember the true meaning behind it. 

Spring, eh?

Some Easter decorations

My Easter egg hunt!

My very own yellow egg!

Brent and his camo dyed egg.

I will perfect these next year.

Brent's Easter morning surprise!

Friday, April 2, 2010

the Randoms and Brent's "manly" office

Here are just some pictures of different things we have been up to lately.  And  finally a picture of Frankie

tHe  rAnDoM's

Obviously, my residence has been undergoing some major changes; gaining and loosing household members and room make-overs. Over the past couple of months, we have been moving some of Brent's things in, which will make the FINAL moving day so much less stressful. Our house is pretty big, even for the two of us. But there is the Master Bedroom, my office, a guest room, and Brent's office.  There are many personalities to Brent, and one of them happens to be organized, professional, sophisticated. Hence the office. He has always wanted a room to have to himself, so we converted one of the down stair spare rooms into Brent's Office. Once we are married, he says it will become his "naked room". Silly Kid!  We completed his office, but we are still making minor changes and adjustments as more and more of his crap...I mean stuff...comes in.  

Just look how cute he is! I can hardly stand it!

Just messin' around in the office


Thursday, April 1, 2010

ApRiL fOoLs

Ever since March rolled around the corner, Brent and I have taken complete advantage of any nice weather that came our way. I love love love summer time.  We have been hiking, rock climbing, taking walks with the dogs, and I have even got him on a horse a couple of times. Talk of Spring was finally here.  My tulips where waking from their sleep and our trees where hinting to start their new year!  Well, yesterday I woke up to a sheet of white outside my door.  Turns out, there was so much snow, the roads where closed and I was unable to go to work.  Oh shucks.  By the end of the day blue skies were headed our way! The snow had finally stopped falling after 5 inches, and splotches of blue were peaking out. ...Or so I thought.  Once again, I woke up this morning to another deeper blanket of snow. No more signs of Spring.  I currently have 8 inches of snow in my yard. Ice-cycles formed from my garage.  

This is by far Mother Nature's worst April Fool's joke ever. 

Ice, Ice Baby