Let's do this in list form, since I am one of those crazy ladies who makes lists of all the other lists, and that's what makes me happy. If you prefer bullet form, you can take it up with me later.
1. I stopped biting my nails. I know this seems like it should fit into the "fluff and filler" category, but if you really know me, you should understand how huge, dare I say monumental, this really is. I have been biting my nails sine they started growing. That's from like pre-birth-in-my-mother's-stomach long time.. Well, 22 and 1/2 and years later, they are now fingertip length. I have a sudden obsession with painting them. (This is a right of passage I never got to experience!) They are a different color every day. I'm not sure how you girls handle the chipping, but I pretty much fit 22 years worth of nail breaking emotions into one big meltdown. It's not pretty folks. Though on the up and up, my husband enjoys the back tickles.

2. My henenymoes have found a new home (not a new mommy, just a new location) Don't know what heneymoes are? Lame. Read THIS to catch up. After that one more straw that broke the

3. Brent is sick. He rarely gets sick so he is the "Honey, I think I'm dying, come spend my last moments with me and hold my hand..I'm going towards the light...."......."No babe, that's the ceiling light...calm down" "....in that case, can I have more juice?" kind of guy. But since he takes such good care of me, I figure I'll bring him a jucie-juice or two.

6. We are selling some
7. Wyoming isn't sure what month to categorize February as. We are wearing flip-flops and snow coats all on the same day because here it's Sprinter. Or Wring. Either way, it's not Winter and it's not Spring. And I'm pretty sure I am not okay with this. I no longer find the desire to dress to impress for Mother Nature, so I'm sticking with the fur coats and thermals until otherwise notified.
8. Update on other random happenings: Stella is still fitting in perfectly. I am working on the ambulance. My diet is hanging by a thread. annnnnnnd.....I think I am just about fully recovered from sleeping on the floor. That about covers it.